Friday, November 6, 2015

Our Week In Videos

I take a lot of videos and pictures of my kids. Most of them are bad and get deleted, but some are not, and those might make it to instagram. This week seemed like I took more than usual, so you're having getting a look in the video vault that was our week.

Sunday we did the Jimmy Kimmel prank of telling The Boy we ate all his Halloween candy.

Monday they played in puddles.

Here are each of their reactions to being muddy for a little while:

Tuesday BeYoYo got tubes put in. He's fine. This was him at pre-op.

and then this was later that afternoon when we needed to get out of the house, and went to Target. 

Wednesday I didn't get any video (I KNOW, what kind of parent AM I?), so you'll have to settle for this action shot of BeYoYo trying to put all the toilet paper in the toilet.

This was their bath in the morning, when The Boy asked to make a silly movie. This was BEFORE The Boy went to Wild Intelligence and got gross, and BeYoYo fell in the mud when we went to pick him up.

And here's after. I didn't get a shot of BeYoYo, because he was muddy and crying and signing all done and buckling him in is like trying to get an octopus in a car seat. 

In the spirit of blogging transparency, I have to tell you that this video is not actually from today. It's from last week, and I haven't gotten any pics or videos from today. But the day is still young. Here's BeYoYo dancing. Every time he goes up on his tip toes he thinks he's jumping.

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