Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Snow Day Survival

It's a snow day in Georgia. That means we've gotten a couple inches of snow, there's no bread or milk in the grocery stores, and we're all trapped at home anticipating the power will go out soon. It's likely to get worse. Meteorologists are calling it a "catastrophic ice storm" and cautioning everyone to stay home. At my house a snow day means The Husband keeps making up reasons he needs to go outside and pretend to be Bear Grylls. He lives for opportunities to be a survivor man, and snow and ice are his yearly chance.

We've got this.

But in his mind, it's this.

And might call for this. 

Don't get me wrong. There's no one I'd rather be with in case of an emergency. When we had an ice storm a couple of years ago he rigged up a way to scramble eggs using a smoker in the carport. He delivered dry fire wood to friends with a baby, he cut down limbs in our neighbor's yard. This time he's got a generator on standby just waiting to power our fridge and a heater. He's been watching the weather all morning "we might get 5 inches" he says, trying to make his excitement sound like concern. 

He took The Boy sledding. I'm not sure who loved it more.

In typical fashion, my only concern has been food. I cooked up a big batch of potato soup, beer and cheese soup, and cookies. I woke up at 5:30 this morning, most excited about the cinnamon rolls in the fridge. I've also been trying to talk The Boy into less physical activity and more Nutella eating, cuddling, and tv watching. Talk about somebody useful to have during an ice storm. 

Earlier The Husband left to go to his mom's house to get the keys to their old 4 wheel drive truck "just in case we need it." He took a machete with him. "For branches and stuff." I'm not sure what he was expecting. Branches, in the truck? Covering her door and house like the Forest of Despair from Princess Bride?? Later he went to go check on her horses since she is out of town. He acted like it was a sacrifice to leave in this weather, but inside he was thrilled to get out of the house and be a prairie man. "I'll be back before dark, hon." He said, like something from a Laura Ingles book. 

While he was gone I called him for fun and told him the power was out. It was not. "Awesome!" He said. "I'll turn on the generator when I get back!" Come on, Bear, just come home and cuddle with us. We're eating cookies and watching Netflix. 


  1. I love your blog so much, Leigh Ellen. :) Enjoy some Nutella for me.

  2. I love how much you lie to Jordan - it provides extra entertainment :)

  3. i just love how you write - i spit on my computer b/c you made me laugh so hard
