Thursday, July 3, 2014

You Be The Judge

Last week The Boy and I went to see my friend at her work to get something notarized. She works in the local courthouse. While we were there, The Boy, who was in his pjs, mind you, announced that he needed to go poopoo. I looked at my friend. She pointed around the corner "just use that bathroom to the right" she said, casually, because she has kids and knows they need to poop. "Isn't that the judge's office?" I asked. 

"Yes, but he's not here. It's fine. I promise." Okay. We went through his office into the bathroom. The Boy was very curious about whose bathroom we were in. He asked me what a judge was. He got a little play city for his birthday complete with jail, so he's just learned what a jail is. My mom told him it was were bad guys go, but the therapist in me had to say it's where people who make bad choices go. Give a guy a chance, right? (#OITNB) 

So anyway, he asked what a judge was. I thought it was a little premature to explain the 3 branches of the government, so I just told him that the judge tells the police who to take to jail. "Is he the boss of the police?" he asked. "Yes." I said. His robe was hanging on the back of the door. I pointed to it and showed The Boy that the judge wears a robe like the one we saw. He was thoroughly impressed. "Can he talk?" he asked, as he sat on the pot. "Yes." Then, as if a robe-wearing-boss-of-the-police couldn't get any cooler, The Boy said in awe "Does he have a PENIS?!" "Yes", I said, trying not to laugh. 

That's all he needed to know. This guy is the boss of the police, wears a cape to work, talks, and has a penis. I think The Boy has found his dream job. 

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