Monday, July 8, 2013

Elmo Birthday Party

Oh Em Gee, has it really been a month since my last post?? Since then, we came home from camp, moved, The Boy turned two, we had his party in our old empty house, and we've been potty training. So I haven't had a lot of leisurely-blog-posting-alone time. Where to start? I guess we could start with The Boy's birthday party. We're in an Elmo phase right now, and I'm encouraging it because I find it more entertaining it's got a better message than some of the other trash aimed at his demographic (hello, Dinosaur Train? Mama ain't interested in the Mesozoic. Terrible.).

Now, we were having the party in our empty house before the renters moved in (full story: here if you aren't familiar). The downside is that it was sparse. No furniture and whatnot. The upside: the kids couldn't ruin anything! We did leave one table for food.

Elmo phase + empty house = Elmo Picnic themed party!

The Boy cried when he couldn't have cupcakes and a cookie before the party. 

Cookies were from High Tea Cookies. Adorbs. 

And of course we had Elmo fruit, and goldfish in honor of Elmo's pet fish Dorothy. 
I'm not going to lie, by the end of the party this Elmo fruit looked like a one-eyed deranged bar-fight monster.

Our fish, Scoot #2 filled in for Dorothy. 

The Boy was so excited about his cookie that he wore a black icing stained goatee for the whole party. I'll admit, he got some strange looks. 

 We had Elmo everywhere. Party bags had Elmo tissues, stickers, and books from the dollar store. 

I used the Pinterest-inspired party tip of freezing water balloons instead of ice for the drink bucket. Note to self: smaller ones work best.

We laid picnic blankets outside for eating. Aren't our friends the cutest?

And inside, the kids could get their pictures made with an Elmo backdrop. 

Mostly they just played and ran. 

And the adults watched. 

It was all a big blur

But The Boy had a blast!
Can't believe I have a two year old! Insert cliche about time flying here. 

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