Sunday, January 3, 2016

A Year In Quotes, 2015

When The Husband and I went to Alaska I lost my phone in a snow drift. For 24 hours I was living like it was 1998. I have to confess I was grieving a little, mostly over losing my running list of quotes for the year. First people problems all day long. You might remember the lists from 2014 or 2013, where I wrote down ridiculous things The Husband or I said to our kids and offered them out of context.

Here are a few gems that I do remember from that list, so I present to you Quotes from 2015, abridged version. 

"Let's see if we can rot your brains out today."

"It's not really nice manners to put your penis on someone else's head."

"I'm a princess and this shower is my castle. It's surrounded by alligators that eat whiney children."

"Don't put him in the dryer."

BeYoYo says "dot dot" for "night night" and calls his pacie a "bop", so we are continually saying "Bop is for dot dot". 

"He said he can't sleep because when he swallows it feels like there's beef jerky in his ear."

"I need you to make another noise. That's enough of that one for today."

And my personal favorite...
"If you have to put a grasshopper on someone's penis, it needs to be yours."

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