Sunday, July 15, 2012

A Word From Our Sponsor

You might have noticed ads on my blog. Google put them there with my permission. Except that one with Barack Obama and aborted fetuses, I definitely did not approve that.  Okay, google doesn't ask me about the content of the ads, but I did agree to the ads in general (and after that fetus one I realized I can block certain categories). Yep, I've sold out to the man in order to make a buck. Literally, one buck. I've made exactly 85 cents so far this month so basically I'm rolling in the dough. I figured if I was going to be writing and you were going to be reading I might as well cash in on this passing fad called the internet (Thank you) and the mega companies that are willing to advertise on a growing mommy blog.

Let's get to the point. Help a sista out and click on an ad when you're here. It costs you nothing but the ad companies pay google and google operates under a trickle down economy, so I get 85 cents. Let's join together and stick it to the man! I've had 4800 views so far and google tells me I've had 8 clicks. Ever. Now I figured that y'all didn't know before this very moment that I would benefit from your clickiness or you'da been showing interest in male enhancements and daily deal websites all along. Because I know that's the kind of person you are. Kind. Compassionate. Computer literate. Stickin it to The Man.

So consider this your enlightenment and if you like the blog, show your support by clicking an ad or two when you're here. Many, many thanks!


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